On January 22, 2021 6:45:05 AM UTC, Hung Nguyen Gia via openindiana-discuss 
<openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org> wrote:
>Well well. Except sometimes it's stuck for eternity.
>The only solution is to cold reset. It corrupted the disk.
>The only way to reuse this disk is from another system using dd
>if=/dev/zero to zero fill it.
>Even if it's SSD, it took almost an hour to complete.
>Now see the problem?
>This is another reason no one uses your system.
>Deployment speed is a very important factor the production.
>Hope it helps.
>BTW, you see? No one cares about the issue I reported. Not even a
>single comment to indicate that they do care!
>People here always said that I have disrespected them.
>BS! Pure BS! See who being disrespected?
>They treat me like nothing!
>Don't ever talk about disrespect or something like that with me.
>Otherwise we can't have a respectful conversation.
>---- On Fri, 22 Jan 2021 13:07:28 +0700 Stephan Althaus
><stephan.alth...@duedinghausen.eu> wrote ----
> >  
> > Personally i don't care much about install time. Really! 
> >  
> > Greetings, 
> >  
> > Stephan 
> >  
> >  
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> > openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org 
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> > 
>openindiana-discuss mailing list

Disrespect, or perception thereof, goes both ways and generally can overshadow 
the constructive elements in select few messages. Like, "mail from that guy 
again? skip!"

I can relate to occasional typing-under-influence, and alas (indirectly) can 
understand stronger "under"'s from heavier influences, but one in that 
situation has just gotta learn to double- or triple-read their messages before 
sending. At least that's a benefit of written media to speech that is harder to 
replay differently.

Regarding "issues that people with XYZ skills can see" not seen - that is where 
independent PoV's like yours matter a lot imho! People with skill tend to avoid 
underwater rocks in their installations once after a painful learning, and for 
years have no chance to notice those rocks still exist.

Typos courtesy of K-9 Mail on my Android

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