On February 24, 2021 2:12:02 AM UTC, "Nelson H. F. Beebe" <be...@math.utah.edu> 
>Reginald Beardsley <pulask...@yahoo.com> asks on the list today:
>>> Does anyone know what the missing environment variable is or 
>>> where the reference to
>>>     /usr/X11/lib/modules/extensions//libglx.so
>>> is located?
>On a Fedora 33 Linux system, I find that library in
>       /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/extensions/libglx.so
>On an Oracle Solaris 11 systems, I find it in two locations:
>       /usr/lib/mesa/modules/extensions/libglx.so
>       /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libglx.so
>On a Sun Solaris 10 system, I find several copies
>        /usr/X11/lib/modules/extensions/amd64/libglx.so
>        /usr/X11/lib/modules/extensions/libglx.so
>        /usr/X11/lib/modules/extensions/mesa/amd64/libglx.so
>        /usr/X11/lib/modules/extensions/mesa/libglx.so
>        /usr/X11/lib/modules/extensions/NVIDIA/amd64/libglx.so
>        /usr/X11/lib/modules/extensions/NVIDIA/amd64/libglx.so.1
>        /usr/X11/lib/modules/extensions/NVIDIA/libglx.so
>        /usr/X11/lib/modules/extensions/NVIDIA/libglx.so.1
>        /var/run/opengl/server/amd64/libglx.so
>        /var/run/opengl/server/libglx.so
>Thus, I suspect that the double slash that you reported is innocuous,
>and valid, because in the V6 Unix kernel documented in John Lyons'
>book, the path traveral has something like
>       while (*s == '/') s++;
>instead of 
>       if (*s == '/') s++;
>I found that snippet several years ago when we were writing Classic
>Shell Scripting, and we wanted to know if adjacent slashes in a
>pathname are legal: the V6 code shows that the answer is yes.
>Of course, the Solaris 10 system also shows intervening mesa and
>NVIDIA components, so it certainly is worth checking whether a simple
>symlink will allow the library to be found.
>- Nelson H. F. Beebe                    Tel: +1 801 581 5254           
>      -
>- University of Utah                    FAX: +1 801 581 4148           
>      -
>- Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB    Internet e-mail:
>be...@math.utah.edu  -
>- 155 S 1400 E RM 233                       be...@acm.org 
>be...@computer.org -
>- Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090, USA    URL:
>http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ -
>openindiana-discuss mailing list

For those libs, another option IIRC was VirtualBox GL provider.

Check the ogl-select (or was it opengl-select?) service which sets the symlinks 
at runtime. By default it is based on (iirc) smf instance properties; I toggled 
that value in dual-booted vm/native systems based on prtconf output with an 
early init script way back when.


Typos courtesy of K-9 Mail on my Android

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