Because of a message about VTOCs and needing an EFI label I relabeled the 
disks, created a RAIDZ2 pool and installed to an existing pool.  I then booted 
single user, setup dump and swap.  It crashed but no dump.  Not even a panic 
message in messages.  A 2nd crash did write a panic message and "dumping to 
/dev/zvol/dsk/rpool/dump" and "dump succeeded".

But no files in /var/crash.  "savecore -v /dev/zvol/dsk/rpool/dump" generated 
"is not a directory".  No core file in /var/crash.

I've collected several core files, so I'm getting weirded out by non-repeatable 

I'm currently installing to a single disk using the text installer.  If that 
crashes I'm going to try Debian 10.


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