What service starts the MATE environment?  I've been unable to locate what 
starts that.  And generally unable to determine how exactly what any service 
does is specified.

I'd expected "init 2" in single user mode to take me to multi-user console 
mode, but it did not.  However, I was able to disable lightdm, come up to a 
multiuser console, login and start X and twm using startx(1) and the .xinitrc 
file on the command line.  However, when I exited twm it did not return to the 
login console.  What controls that?  Do I need something in .xinitrc?  I never 
did it that way but I remember it could be done.

I haven't messed with this in 15+ years.  I'm happy to say it appears that 
significant progress has been made.  The implementation of CDE was rather 
painful as was Motif.  So much so that I've been disinclined to even look at it 
for a long time.  Kudos to those who fixed it.

Firefox under twm did generate a GDK resource unavailable error in a short 
test, but that's mild compared to what I recall seeing if I started Netscape 
outside of the dtwm environment.  It almost certainly had to be dumping core 
for me to labor through starting separate window managers on each screen.


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