I'm just going to try breaking it down to two Solaris 2 partitions and
see where that takes me.


On Sat, 2021-05-01 at 08:56 +0100, Michelle wrote:
> OK - I appear to be well out of touch.
> I booted the installer and went into prompt.
> Used format (only 1 x 6TB drive in the machine at this point) to
> create
> a new Solaris 2 partition table and then fdisk'd an all free hog to
> partition 1, giving partition 0 100gig. 
> I noticed that it must have gone on for 40 odd partitions, and also
> there was none of the usual backup and reserved partitions for 2, 8
> and
> 9 as I saw before.
> On installation of OI, I selected the drive and got the warning...
> "you have chosen a gpt labelled disk. installing onto a gpt labelled
> disk will cause the loss of all existing data"
> Out of interest I continued through and got the options for whole
> disk
> or partition (MBR) ... the second of which gave me a 2Tb Solaris 2
> partition in the list.
> I did try F5 to change partition, but it just took me straight back
> to
> the installation menu at the start again.
> Things have obviously moved on and I haven't kept pace.
> I now have to work out how to do this on a gpt drive.
> If anyone has any notes, I'd be grateful.
> Michelle.
> On Sat, 2021-05-01 at 08:31 +0100, Michelle wrote:
> > Well, I looked over my notes and the last time I did this was in
> > 2014.
> > 
> > My preference has always been to run OI on its own drive and have
> > the
> > main ZFS tank as a "whole drive" basis. However, thanks to the
> > QNAP,
> > that's changed.
> > 
> > In 2014 I did a test. I took two 40gig drives and did the
> > partitions
> > as
> > an all free hog on partition 0 ... I was simply testing the ability
> > to
> > configure rpool on two drives and have both active, so if one
> > failed
> > the other would keep running the OS.
> > 
> > My immediate thought is to have 100gig for the OS on partition 0
> > and
> > the rest on partition 1. Also, turn on auto expand for the tank
> > pool
> > and off for the rpool.
> > 
> > That's my gut feel.
> > 
> > Anyone got any advice to offer please, before I commit finger to
> > keyboard?
> > 
> > Michelle.
> > 
> > 
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