I'm going to try one more time.

The 2021.04.30  GUI Live Image has major problems.

gparted(1m) dumps core 

the documentation mentioned on the first GUI installer screen is missing

the release notes are missing

the GUI installer fails to install the boot loader

the text installer incorrectly states EFI installs are limited to 2 TB

All of these issues are also present in 2020.10.31 and possibly older releases. 
 This is a huge deterrent to new users.  None of them is a major task to fix.

Simply throwing something over the fence doesn't do anyone a service.  Spending 
an hour once  or twice a year to test a distribution image hardly seems a major 

We simply need a review process such that broken installation images are not 
posted for general distribution.  While I only have one or two systems I can 
test,  I am quite happy to do it.  Even a single tester is better than none.  
But my testing is of no use if the issues are not addressed before the install 
images are released.

Without a reliable initial image from which to install, "pkg update" is of no 
use.  Without new users there will not be new maintainers/developers. 


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