----- Op 15 sep 2022 om 18:23 schreef stes s...@telenet.be:

> Hi,
> I wrote a while ago an OpenIndiana document on keyboard settings , see
> http://docs.openindiana.org/handbook/community/inputmethod/

Maybe I could update the above document and add something that I've found out,
namely that I think HAL (the hardware abstraction layer daemon) is
getting some info from

svcprop -p keymap/layout keymap:default

I think that on OpenIndiana, the preferred way to change keymap layout, is 
through the keymap:default SMF service.

If you change that setting, it will get applied by "kbd -s" on reboot (when 
keymap:default starts).

Then I think HAL picks up the setting:

$ lshal | grep Layout
  input.x11_options.XkbLayout = 'fr'  (string)

and then X11 gets for its automatic configuration of X input from HAL.

In the X logfile it can be seen that X gets info from "config/hal:"

If I apply for example:

# kbd -s Belgian
USB keyboard

# svcadm restart hal

# lshal | grep Layout
  input.x11_options.XkbLayout = 'be'  (string)

So changing kbd to Belgian switches HAL (after a restart of HAL) to "be" and 
the lightdm greeter keyboard switches from "fr" to "be" for me.

So my guess is that the preferred way to set the keyboard layout is:

svccfg -s svc:/system/keymap:default <<EOF
setprop keymap/layout = Belgian 

then either reboot or restart HAL and lightdm.

However there may be settings in the lightdm.conf that override the SMF 
setting, I don't know that, but I think it works for me through the 
keymap:default SMF service.

David Stes

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