You are correct about the ‘*/FRU fields did not occur in the correct 
order/*’ error, that's the source of the problem.

Section 17 of the IPMI Platform Management FRU Information Storage 
Definition document states: "FRU Information areas always appear in this 
order" and then states the order. The machine appears to not be using 
this order.

I'm not exactly sure how to work around this. It's not as easy as you 
might imagine. Fixing reading is relatively easy. But OpenIPMI has a 
bunch of code for writing and manipulating FRU Data areas; that code 
would be completely broken by allowing another order.

Perhaps you can look on Dell's web site; it's quite likely they have 
already fixed the problem with a firmware update. That's probably the 
best first course of action.


Nancy Nichols wrote:
> I’m new to OpenIPMI – hope it doesn’t show too badly by my posting 
> this next question.
> When I use */ipmish/* to connect via LAN to a DELL machine and request 
> FRU information
> I get this group of errors:
> Event
> Object Type: MC
> Name: mydomain(0.20)
> Operation: Fully Up
> EINF: mydomain . normal_fru.c(process_fru_info): FRU 
> fields did not occur in the correct order
> EINF: mydomain . fru.c(fetch_complete): Unable to decode 
> FRU information
> WARN: mydomain(7.1) entity.c(fru_fetched_ent_cb):Error fetching entity 
> 7.1 FRU: 26
> Essentially I get the same errors via a LAN connection to the same 
> Dell machine from my own code which is using
> OpenIPMI-2.0.11 library routines…
> mydomain(3.1) entity.c(ipmi_entity_fetch_frus_cb): Unable to allocate 
> the FRU: 26
> mydomain(0.20)(s,0) sdr.c(handle_sdr_data): SDR fetch error getting 
> sdr 0x0: c1
> mydomain . normal_fru.c(process_fru_info): FRU fields did 
> not occur in the correct order
> mydomain . fru.c(fetch_complete): Unable to decode FRU 
> information
> mydomain(7.1) entity.c(fru_fetched_ent_cb):Error fetching entity 7.1 
> FRU: 26
> I’m assuming it is the ‘*/FRU fields did not occur in the correct 
> order/*’ that is the real problem here. The DELL
> machine is running DELL OpenManager Server Administrator which shows 
> me (under the System Components (FRU)
> tab of the Properties screen) that there is a System Planar (BMC) 
> (listed first) then two DIMM1 entries. I
> did not configure the IPMI on this particular DELL machine (nor have I 
> ever configured it on any machine actually)
> so I don’t know anything about the FRU section. But there seems to be 
> something wrong on this host machine.
> The BMC says it is firmware version 1.70 if that means something to 
> someone. I would like to be able to
> retrieve the information from within the FRU components, like the 
> serial number and manufacture date, etc, but
> it seems that this is standing in my way. Any ideas? Is there 
> something on the host I need to fix/change? If so, how?
> Thanks,
> Nancy Nichols

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