Yes, jfxrt.jar is platform-specific. On the desktop there are platform-specific glass and Prism classes (not sure about the WebKit classes). On embedded platforms (Linux-arm, IOS, Android) there are many differences.

-- Kevin

Daniel Zwolenski wrote:
Obviously there are native libs (dlls, etc) that JFX uses that are outside
of the jfxrt.jar.

But is the actual jfxrt.jar produced by the build generic and able to be
used on any platform (so long as the natives are also present) or is it
platform specific itself?

We are getting close to the ios/backport stuff working (as well as it can
at this stage) and are aiming to start putting stuff in Maven soon. Just
want to make sure I get the separations as clean as possible because once
it's in Central it doesn't ever leave.


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