On 25.07.13 20:59, Richard Bair wrote:
>> * Should a switch always have a default-case? - According to the Java
>> guidelines this should be!
> I would say definitely yes. The default clause should throw an AssertionError 
> if it really is unexpected. This will catch cases where we add an enum type 
> and don't add the right clause to a switch statement.


>> * Why are so many things not generified but use the raw types? - It
>> looks like you are all running with raw-type warnings off, which has the
>> effect that you don't even spot APIs who are not generified (and can't
>> even be fixed because it would be an API breakage).
> Could be!
>> * What should be done with fields declared but never used?
> We ought to remove anything not being used. The only trick is making sure it 
> isn't be used evilly through reflection (most of the time this is not the 
> case).

Understood but if that is the case it should be marked and commented.

>> I think you should also write down the policy when a Simple*Property
>> used? - we discussed that same months ago already
> I'd be happy to put it in the wiki if you give me some words. I'm overloaded 
> and drowning :)

Ok. Let me see if I can come up with some words on this. Wouldn't it
make sense to turn on things like static code analysis and compiler
warnings in the grade build?

I know that there was some effort in OpenJDK to compile -Xlint:all
-Werror by default instead of suppressing them? At least I think this
should be a target, not?


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