Hi Matthias, I think Assaf, one of the embedded engineers, is now on the 
mailing list and can help answer these questions.


On Oct 21, 2013, at 1:58 AM, Matthias Hänel <hae...@ultramixer.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I believe my conceptual question on touch/mouse events has been missed 
> because of the other questions
> in the "JAVAFX on ANDROID" thread. That's why I would like to start a new 
> discussion about touch events.
> 1. The main question is how are touch and internal mouse events handled? 
> Javafx controls seem to rely on mouse events.
> That's why I assume there must be some kind of an emulation layer. Are these 
> emulated in Prism, Glass (Java-Glasses)
> or even lower? Where is it suppose to emulate the mouse events? 
> What I've seen right now is that iOS-native glass does the mouse
> emulation by itself in GlassViewDelegate.m. Touch events and Mouse events are 
> sent from the lowest layer.
> In Android there are only touch events passed to the lens implementation. On 
> udev which I assume is the implementation
> that's used for Dukepad it does only pass touch events. Udev and Android are 
> lens implementations so, they are using
> the same Java classes which do kind of mouse emulation for toch events. But 
> it's not exactly the same as the iOS
> codes does.
> iOS:
> sends Touch, Mouse-Enter and Mouse-Down
> Lens (Android/Dukepad):
> sends Mouse-Enter and Touch
> The major differences in calling order and the missung mouse down leeds me to 
> the assumption that the events are actually
> missing.
> 2. Is that mouse emulation supposed to be eliminated due to the latest 
> lensWindow changes? 
>  I believe that must be handled in higher layers not in the input layer 
> itself.
> 3. What is the input layer for the Dukepad? I think it's the udev 
> implementation and this does pretty much the same as the current 
> android implementation. I just want to have a "stable" reference to look at ;)
> 4. Has anyone with a Dukepad the opportunity to test the ListView-Example? 
> For me on Android, it doesn't scroll at all with any touches.
> With the automatic scrolling (from Richard sources) I get around 30fps on the 
> Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1.
> regards
> Matthias

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