Will do.
Thanks Anthony.


Le 25 avr. 2014 à 16:12, Anthony Petrov <anthony.pet...@oracle.com> a écrit :

> Hi Eric,
> This looks like a bug. Only the dragView image should be displayed in this 
> case. Please enter a JIRA against Glass.
> Also, it would be great if you could test this on other platforms (Mac, Gtk) 
> and report the results.
> --
> best regards,
> Anthony
> On 4/25/2014 6:06 PM, Eric Le Ponner wrote:
>> Folks,
>> In my onDragDetected() listener, I do the following:
>> 0) I create an Image
>> 1) I set it as content of my drag board (using a DataFormat.IMAGE entry)
>> 2) I set it as drag view (using Dragboard.setDragView)
>> During the drag gesture on Windows, I see my image twice.
>> If I remove step #2 then I see my image only once.
>> So it seems that:
>> - one image comes from the drag view
>> - other image is a kind of « automatic representation » of the clipboard
>> I find it a bit surprising to have two images in that case.
>> Shouldn’t we have one image only : the one passed to setDragView() ?
>> Any help / opinion are welcome.
>> Eric

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