Hi Peter,

There are no plans to make the time spinner public for 8u40 as we are past FF (Feature Freeze). Originally, the time spinner was intended to be part of the new spinner control but there were some issues with it involving tracking the caret.

It's all discussed in: https://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-37968


On 2014-09-17, 6:22 AM, Peter Penzov wrote:
Hi All,
     I successfully tested Spinner control in 8u40.

final Spinner spinner = new Spinner();

SpinnerValueFactory.IntegerSpinnerValueFactory(0, 10000));

I noticed that there is a Java method for time spinner
LocalDateSpinnerValueFactory in SpinnerValueFactory. But the Java Method is
not public. Are there plans to release time spinner in 8u40?


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