I'm pushing the envelope a bit -I think- concerning the use of CSS. I have setup a control (gauge) 
in such a way that, depending on the position of the needle, certain CSS classes are added or 
removed from the control. For example a "errorSegment-active" class if the value comes 
into the 90-100 value in a 0-100 gauge. In this class a CSS variable -fx-error-indicator-visibility 
is set to "visible" and that again shows some kind of indicator on the gauge. Works great.

What is strange is when this class is assigned to the control, a totally 
unrelated node (the value in the needle) suddenly moves out of position. I do 
not understand this, because the CSS only involves colors and visibility, never 
any transformation.

Is there any way to debug what CSS settings are applied to nodes? I really 
would like to find out what causes that node to move.


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