Sorry it took me a while to respond, I had a talk to prepare for.

On 28-4-2015 08:22, Mario Torre wrote:
On Tue, 2015-04-21 at 09:52 +0200, Tom Eugelink wrote:
Totally off topic, I apologise, but the subscribers to this list are the type 
of people who may have the experience I seek.

I've been trying to pitch the concept of named parameters for Java 9, but 
somehow my JEP is never picked up. I emailed it in twice. Has anyone ever 
successfully handed in a JEP?

I personally think this makes the language more verbose with little
benefit, but that's just me maybe.

That indeed is open for discussion.

A JEP usually means you will need to do the work yourself, unless you
can make such a strong case to get someone to work on the task for you
(one such example, lambdas). In that regard no one will "pick up" your
JEP, you need to actively push.

Hm, I'm not sure I should be working on the compiler, that is scary and daunting. But I 
did expect someone to respond on the handing in of the JEP, mainly based on quotes like 
this: "/We use the current JEP Process to collect, review, sort, and evaluate 
proposals for enhancements to the JDK. The ongoing result of this process is the JDK 
Roadmap, a collection of feature ideas and other proposals for consideration by JDK 
Release Projects and related efforts./" But after your explanation and rereading the 
JEP 1 and 2 it seems real life is different from the mental image that this quote puts in 
my head.

Thanks for being so complete, I'll see what I can wrestle up via an discussion.


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