I trying to install JavaFX on a board running an iMX6q core. I follow the
instructions to cross build the JavaFX of the openjdk wiki:

Looking at rt/buildSrc/crosslibs/crosslibs-armv6hf.sh I realised that I
have two problems.

1) The script is targeted to Debian, while I'm using archlinux
2) The script uses linaro's toolchain, while I want to use Yocto's toolchain

Galcore stack seems to be working:
dmesg | grep Galcore
Galcore version

On my board I see this:
root@varsomimx6:~# ls -l /lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jul  1 14:01 /lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3 ->

So I think is hard float already. Also `uname -m' gives me `armv7l', so I
need armv7hf crossbuild right?

Now, how can I cross build JavaFX for armv7 with hardfloat using Yocto's
toolchain? I can install toolchain or use it from build/tmp folder, I
particulary prefer using build/tmp folder toolchain since saves space and
sysroot is easily updatable. I'm would edit gradle stuff but I have never
worked with gradle before. What it expects for crossbuilding?

I'm using an Variscite module:
based on iMX6q core. I have a thread on Variscite's support forum too:

Best regards!

- dhs

*"Do or do not. There is no try"*
  *Yoda Master*

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