This is unplanned for JDK 9. We will consider doing it for JDK 10.

-- Kevin

Florian Brunner wrote:
Hi Kevin,

Thanks for the update.

Back in 2012 there was the following statement from Oracle:

"Oracle intends to standardize relevant parts of JavaFX through the JCP in the Java SE 9 time frame."

What about this plan?


Am Samstag, 27. Juni 2015, 08.07:44 schrieb Kevin Rushforth:
Hi Felix,

Sorry for the delay. Most of us were still pretty focused on 8u60, but
we are turning our attention to JDK 9 now.

The focus for JDK 9 is Jigsaw. The currently planned big features (JEPs)
for FX in JDK 9 are these:

JEP 253: Prepare JavaFX UI Controls & CSS APIs for Modularization
JEP 257: Update JavaFX/Media to Newer Version of GStreamer

Related to Jigasw, we intend to look into new API for heavily used
internal methods / classes since they will no longer be accessible
otherwise. We also plan to update WebKit at least one more time, and
will likely do a few RFEs such as better Hi-DPI support (with API
control) on Mac, Windows, Linux.

We don't currently plan any other big features for 9, but will consider
additional RFEs if they are important to enough developers and if they
fit into the time frame.

-- Kevin

Felix Bembrick wrote:
Anyone got anything or is there a link somewhere that talks about these?

On 15 June 2015 at 22:00, Felix Bembrick <> wrote:
I realise we are a long way off JDK 9 still and with crucial features
as Jigsaw still a little up in the air but is it possible someone could
itemise the most likely new features, enhancements and bug fixes that we
will see in JavaFX when JDK 9 is released?

Of course it's purely speculation at this point but it would assist me
greatly to have some of idea of where JavaFX is heading and which areas
seen as most important.



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