Kevin, Chris,

This is a Work in Progress to be put in the jake sandbox for JEP-275 work.  
Mostly so we can get it out in the open before JavaOne at the end of the month. 

This patch breaks the deployment samples, and there isn't a plan in place to 
fix them.  The issues are deep and relate to Ant.

This patch requires JDK9_HOME to be set to a current jigsaw build.  So current 
you have to sync as of 12 Oct or later because some of the JLink APIs are also 
a work in progress.  If you don't set JDK9_HOME then the packager won't be 
built at all.  The previous webrevs use the older APIs.

Only Mac has received much in the way of testing.  And then only the most basic 
testing since Gradle for the foreseeable future cannot run the unit tests on 
Java 9 (this is a problem with Gradle).


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