Here's the webrev: 
(it's been a stressful morning)

> On Nov 25, 2015, at 9:38 AM, Danno Ferrin <> wrote:
> Kevin, Chris, Dmitry
> This is a bulk packager integration from the packager sandbox to the JavaFX 
> Sandbox, please review.
> webrev: 
> There are three changes outside of the fxpackager module that I think Kevin 
> needs to give his approval for.
> Two changes are in the build.gradle.  The first adds a concept of 
> classesModuleExclude which is a regexp for files to exclude from the modular 
> jar. This is to support creating the ant jar outside of the module system so 
> that ant can read the required types and classes.
> The second change is to introduce JDK9_MODULES, read off of an environmental 
> variable.  This should point to your jmods directory (not explored modules, 
> this must be jmods).  This is to support the packagerdev target which now 
> needs a pointer to the jmods which as of yet does not have a standard 
> location relative to the JDK/JRE.
> The third change is the addition of another file.  
> This one exposes the invocation API for JDeps to packager so the 
> detectmodules can use it to sniff out modules from the classpath.
> The remainder of the changes are internal to the fxpackager modules and 
> represent contributions from Chris Bensen, Dmitry Cherepanov, and myself 
> finishing out the last details for JEP275.  This patch should make it feature 
> complete (but not bug complete, we got another milestone for that).
> --Danno

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