Oh I see the problem. This was just sent out with the wrong subject line. Please resend with the correct subject line for 8152420 and remove the quoted text for the other bug.


-- Kevin

Kevin Rushforth wrote:
Yes, please open a new bug.

-- Kevin

David Hill wrote:
On 4/27/16, 9:56 AM, Guru Hb wrote:
Hi Dave & Kevin,

Could you please review updated Unit test case http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ghb/8152420/webrev.01/

Solution updated in JBS.
Hi Guru,
JDK-8154186 is closed, so I suspect you will need to open a new bug. Kevin will say for sure but I think the new world is one commit/one bug id.

    Looking at the changes - the only minor issues I have are:

The new directory build/resources for the jar file. While not a big deal, build/testing (perhaps build/testing/resources ?) feels like a better home as the jar is for testing purposes. build/testing was added with Jigsaw, so you may not have noticed it in your build, but we are headed that way :-)

The assumption of a working directory in the test:
     load("jar:" + new File("build/resources/webArchiveJar.jar")
This is /probably/ ok from a sustainability point of view. But there are other places where we pass in a property to find stuff in the build tree like: def cssDir = file("$buildDir/classes/main/javafx") jvmArgs "-Djavafx.toolkit=test.com.sun.javafx.pgstub.StubToolkit",

+1 after consideration of these minor points, and I am OK if they are not acted on.



On 20/4/16 7:25 PM, Guru Hb wrote:
Hi Alexander Z , Kevin & Arunprasad,

Please review the fix :

Root Cause and solution updated in JBS.


David Hill <david.h...@oracle.com>
Java Embedded Development

"A man's feet should be planted in his country, but his eyes should survey the world."
-- George Santayana (1863 - 1952)

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