I was able to fix my Win7 permission problems and verify the fix on Windows 7 as well now...


On 1/5/2017 5:16 PM, Jim Graham wrote:
This is essentially a backport request for the fix for JDK-8160073, but
a modification of the fix was needed as the code changed between 8u and 9.

JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8169777
webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~flar/JDK-8169777/webrev.00/

I tested on Win10 and it works fine, though the platform support for DPI
scaling on Win8 (pre-8.1) and Win7 was different than their handling on
Win10 so a test run of the test case on Win7 and/or Win8.0 would be
helpful for sanity.  Unfortunately my Win7 boot partition is buried in a
cesspool of permission issues trying to run the test build... :(


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