Hi Johan,

Thanks for pointing this out. I had missed that this was targeted to JDK 10.

We eliminated all but one use of javah, in favor of javac -h, in JDK 9 [1]. The only one remaining is in the web module. I can't remember why that wasn't switched at the same time (I have a fuzzy recollection that it might have had something to do with incremental compilation), but yes, it seems like this will need to be fixed.

If you would like to file a bug then this would be a great thing for the community to work on. This will block us from moving to JDK 10 as a boot JDK, so if we end up doing that for JDK 10 then this would need to be done soon.

Let me know if you would like to work on this.


-- Kevin

[1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8161704

Johan Vos wrote:

I learned javah might be removed in Java 10 (
http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/313) but as far as I know, it is still used in

defineProperty("JAVAH", cygpath("$JDK_HOME/bin/javah${IS_WINDOWS ? '.exe' :

Are there already plans to move to javac -h instead?
It seems a relative easy task that might be done by someone from the wider


- Johan

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