
I have an open source project FXGraphics2D [1] that provides a Graphics2D API 
for the JavaFX canvas.  It is open source and used to provide JavaFX support 
for JFreeChart [2] and Orson Charts [3].  It can also be used more generally 
for any code that targets the Java2D API.

One limitation that I’ve encountered is that there is no API to get font 
metrics for fonts rendered on the JavaFX canvas, so it is difficult to 
implement the method Graphics2D.getFontMetrics(Font f) accurately.  As a 
result, text alignment is difficult, for example see the tick labels on the 
vertical axis in this chart:


There is a feature request in the bug tracker, open for some time, that targets 
this particular feature.  I’d like to highlight it for (hopefully) some 
attention in a future JDK release:


Best regards,

David Gilbert

[1] https://github.com/jfree/fxgraphics2d 
[2] https://github.com/jfree/jfreechart-fx 
[3] https://github.com/jfree/orson-charts-fx 

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