Hiding the symbols seems like a better solution than shipping two binaries, and is probably easier than mangling the symbols.

-- Kevin

Phil Race wrote:
Does libjavafx_iio.a really need to export the JPEG symbols ?
On Windows, or Linux, or Solaris ..  there are ways
to limit the exported symbols from a library.

I found this page for macos :


Not a complete answer but maybe somewhere to start.


On 01/24/2018 02:42 AM, Johan Vos wrote:

We are currently building a native library for javafx_iio which includes
libjpeg7. As a consequence, those symbols are included in the static
libjavafx_iio.a on iOS. If we add other libraries (e.g. OpenCV) this can
result in duplicate symbols, as the libjpeg7 library might be included in
other frameworks as well.

As a dirty hack, I build 2 versions of libjavafx_iio.a: one with libjpeg7,
and one without. A better solution might be to prefix the symbols in the
libjpeg7 files.

Or are there better ideas?


- Johan

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