Hi Carl,

The instructions for building OpenJFX 8 are in the wiki [1], though I never
built this version myself.

Usually when "cl.exe" is not found it's because of a wrong MSVC_VER
variable value. In VS 2017, this file is located under
"VC\Tools\MSVC\<MSVC_VER>\bin" (there are 4 versions under this folder
tree). It could be that the MSVC_VER value does not match the folder name
in this path. I don't know why you're looking for it inside cygwin64, but,
again, I am unfamiliar with this build.

Also, the Gradle version needs to be 4.8, not 1.8.

Good luck,

[1] https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=40271889

On Fri, Oct 19, 2018 at 8:05 PM <c...@bekwam.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to build 8.0-b132 for Windows with Visual Studio 2017.  I was
> able to build the Java code successfully, but am getting a path error
> 13:00:54.444 [ERROR] [org.gradle.BuildExceptionReporter] Caused by:
> java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "C:/cygwin64/VC/BIN/amd64/cl.exe"
> (in directory "D:\hg\rt\modules\fxpackager"): CreateProcess error=2, The
> system cannot find the file specified
> This is my environment
> export JAVA_HOME=D:/Java/open-jdk8u172-b11
> export GRADLE_HOME=C:/gradle/gradle-1.8
> export
> PATH="/cygdrive/d/Java/open-jdk8u172-b11:/cygdrive/d/gradle/gradle-1.8/bin:$
> export VS150COMNTOOLS="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual
> Studio\\2017\\Professional\\VC\\Auxiliary\\Build"
> export MSVC_VER=14.15.26706
> export WINSDK_DIR="C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft SDKs/Windows/v10.0A"
> I tried replacing the win.gradle from the 8.0-b132 with the file from the
> tip.  In that case, I got a "WINSDK_DIR" not defined error.
> Does anyone build openjfx 8 with 2017 or is everyone using the older VS for
> the backports?  DirectX gave me an error when I tried to install the 2010
> SDK.  Are the DirectX APIs embedded in VS now?
> Thanks,
> Carl

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