That list looks good. As long as they apply cleanly, possibly adjusting the patch for diff context, go ahead and push them without further review.

Before you do, you will want to tag the current tip of the repo with "11.0.4+0".

-- Kevin

On 8/9/2019 5:16 AM, Johan Vos wrote:
Hi Kevin,

I request permission to backport the following issues to 11-dev:

JDK-8212158    FX: Update copyright year in docs, readme files to 2019
JDK-8218174    Add missing license file for Mesa header files
JDK-8219008    Update OpenGL Headers to version 4.6
JDK-8215775    Scrollbars from web pages appear to be absolute, overlapping
JDK-8220147    Cherry pick GTK WebKit 2.22.7 changes
JDK-8218170    Upgrade antlr to version 4.7.2
JDK-8219917    [WebView] Sub-resource integrity check fails on Windows and
JDK-8215686    FX build fails using gradle 5
JDK-8217942    Upgrade to libxslt 1.1.33
JDK-8218172    Upgrade gradle to version 5.3
JDK-8219734    [WebView] Get rid of macOS SDK private API usage
JDK-8221941    Wrong package declaration for in web
JDK-8133841    Full HD video can not be played on standard 1080p screen in
portrait mode
JDK-8222217    FX build fails on 32-bit Windows after fix for JDK-8133841
JDK-8215894    Provide media support for libav version 58


- Johan

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