On Thu, 16 Jan 2020 01:09:56 GMT, Nir Lisker <nlis...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>>> If cycleCount is set to 2 does the animation play the same number of times 
>>> with or without the jumpTo both before and after this change?
>> Before the change:
>> * With `jumpTo`: plays backwards 2 times.
>> * Without `jumpTo`: doesn't play no mater how many times you call `play()`. 
>> Compare with the case where `cycleCount` is 1, in which case the first call 
>> does nothing (moves the playing head to the start) and the second one plays 
>> backwards.
>> After the change:
>> * With `jumpTo`: plays backwards 2 times.
>> * Without `jumpTo`: plays backwards 2 times.
>>> If the jumpTo isn't required, then this isn't this a change in behaviour?
>> Current code with `jumpTo` will behave the same. The question (which I 
>> presented initially) is whether this behavior is considered a bug or not 
>> when it comes to the initial state of an animation. It is certainly a bug 
>> when `stop()` is called, so I assume it is similar for the initial state.
>> So this PR may need a document change for `Animation.play()`
> Yes, and the docs need clarification in other places anyway. The [parent 
> issue](https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8210238) from which this bug 
> was isolated talks about these. Not sure at what point I will go over it 
> since `Animation` is going to get some more changes in the (hopefully) near 
> future.

Based on my testing, and thinking through all of the implications of the fix, I 
think the proposed fix is correct. I modified the Timeline.java test program 
attached to [JDK-8210238](https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8210238) to 
add controls for auto-reverse and cycle count (1, 2, or INDEFINITE), and 
attached it as TimelineTest2.java. I tried several combinations, and the change 
in behavior looks correct in all cases to me.

As you point out in the description, the failing unit test, 
 is coded to test for the existing behavior when you first call play with `rate 
= -1`. I think it likely that this is merely because that's how it worked 
rather than because there was deliberate thought given to whether it was the 
right behavior. So I think the right thing to do is fix the test.

You also mentioned that jumping, even to the start or end, sets 
`lastPlayFinished` to `false`. I believe this is correct behavior and should 
not be changed.

As part of my testing, I ran into what may be a bug, but since the behavior is 
the same with or without your patch, I think it would be best to file a new bug 
and deal with it separately (if, in fact, it is a bug).

Here are the steps I used:

1. Run TimelineTest2
2. Select cycle=2; Select AutoReverse
3. Play animation: it correctly goes forward from start to end and then 
backwards from end to start
3. Set rate=-1
5. Play animation: BUG? It still goes forward from start to end and then 
backwards from end to start
Subsequent calls to play do what I would expect, in that it goes backwards from 
end to start and then forward from start to end.
The same thing happens when switching back to rate=1 : the first time it 
continues the direction it was prior to changing the rate.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/82

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