I presume this is a "pre" review before sending out an actual review (which the Skara tooling will do automatically when you generate a pull request)...

My concern with this approach is that it leaks what should be an implementation detail into a visible property of the control (and really, using the properties map in this manner is a bit of a workaround). An alternative would be to use package scope methods and a Helper class, which is done in many other places. Worth noting is that if this is information that a custom skin would also need, then some sort of way to make this visible to the Skin will eventually be needed.

-- Kevin

On 2/7/2020 8:33 AM, Abhinay Agarwal wrote:
The issue is caused because of a fix which was pushed as a part of 

The root cause of the issue is that ContextMenuSkin#performPopupShifts doesn't 
consider the cases where shiftX / shiftY can be negative, just as in case of 
the example provided by Robert in 8228363. Moreover, these shifts are only 
required for Side.TOP and Side.LEFT.

My fix tries to find a solution to this problem using properties map as side, 
dx, dy passed to ContextMenu#show(Node anchor, Side side, double dx, double dy) 
are not exposed by the control and cannot be accessed by Skin. I am not sure if 
it is the best way to do it.


Any feedback on the changes are appreciated.

Best regards,

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