On Wed, 16 Sep 2020 10:48:43 GMT, Bhawesh Choudhary <bchoudh...@openjdk.org> 

>> Is this related to https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8209560?
>> Is this related to https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8209560?
> it seems not.

Using the images you posted above, it appears that the browsers (Firefox and 
Edge on Windows, Firefox and Safari on
Mac) have a threshold of 20ms, not 51 ms. Looks like the formula should be

delay < 20 : set to 100
delay >= 20 : use the value as is

Your fix does make the 19 ms image match the browsers (whereas existing WebView 
is too fast), but the 20ms, 21ms, and
40ms images no longer do (they are fine in the existing WebVIew and too slow 
with your patch).

So I recommend changing the value to 20 and then re-testing.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/221

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