Hi all,
I have a small piece of code that shows a canvas with JavaFX.

I want to display the canvas on the second screen.
This works well in Windows but not on Linux Ubuntu.

Stage stage =new Stage(); Group root =new Group(); Scene s =new Scene(root, 1920, 
1080, Color.BLACK); GraphicsContext gc; Canvas canvas =new Canvas(1920,1080); gc = 
canvas.getGraphicsContext2D(); canvas.setFocusTraversable(true); // Hide canvas on 
key pressed canvas.setOnKeyPressed(t -> {
    stage.setFullScreen(false); stage.hide(); }); drawThings(gc); 
root.getChildren().add(canvas); stage.setScene(s); // Show canvas on the second 
display Rectangle2D bounds = Screen.getScreens().get(1).getVisualBounds(); 
stage.setX(bounds.getMinX()); stage.setY(bounds.getMinY()); stage.show(); 

On Linux the canvas is shown on the first screen.
I have tried swapping the screen index from

// Show canvas on the second display Rectangle2D bounds = 


// Show canvas on the second display Rectangle2D bounds = 

but same problem.

Any idea?

Thank you

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