I am getting below errors as soon as i switch from 2D (openlayers 3) to 3D 

Cesium.js:430 An error occurred in "yg": Failed to obtain image tile X: 723 
Y: 412 Level: 10.
Cesium.js:430 An error occurred in "yg": Failed to obtain image tile X: 722 
Y: 411 Level: 10.
Cesium.js:430 An error occurred in "yg": Failed to obtain image tile X: 722 
Y: 412 Level: 10.
Cesium.js:430 An error occurred in "yg": Failed to obtain image tile X: 722 
Y: 410 Level: 10.

I dont want my application do these unwanted disk access. How can i fix 

I am using below layer in my map. This layer is loading the tile images.

this.osmLayer = new ol.layer.Tile({     
      source: new ol.source.OSM({
        url: '/tiles/localtiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
        maxZoom: 15,
        crossOrigin: 'anonymous'

Please guide.

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