On Thu, 1 Oct 2009, Aaron Richton wrote:

Hmm...actually, this is with 2.4.18. But I don't know if there were changes on point since then?

Got the same thing with RE24 checkout from yesterday.

current thread: t...@8
  [1] lwp_mutex_lock(0x1005d3b88, 0x7fffffff7e712d70, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 
0x7fffffff73bfe6d9), at 0x7fffffff7e717e6c
  [2] mutex_lock_kernel(0x1005d3b88, 0x0, 0x0, 0x10533c, 0x7fffffff7e713b38, 
0x0), at 0x7fffffff7e712e10
[3] mutex_lock_internal(0x0, 0x10, 0x7fffffff7e601c00, 0x100254608, 0x101160b72, 0x101160c21), at 0x7fffffff7e713e58 =>[4] ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_lock(mutex = 0x1005d3b88), line 296 in "thr_posix.c"
  [5] syncprov_op_mod(op = 0x7fffffff73bff400, rs = 0x7fffffff73bfeec8), line 1965 in 
  [6] overlay_op_walk(op = 0x7fffffff73bff400, rs = 0x7fffffff73bfeec8, which = 
op_modify, oi = 0x100719ed0, on = 0x10071bb40), line 659 in "backover.c"
  [7] over_op_func(op = 0x7fffffff73bff400, rs = 0x7fffffff73bfeec8, which = op_modify), 
line 721 in "backover.c"
  [8] over_op_modify(op = 0x7fffffff73bff400, rs = 0x7fffffff73bfeec8), line 760 in 
  [9] syncrepl_updateCookie(si = 0x100718e60, op = 0x7fffffff73bff400, pdn = 0x100717870, 
syncCookie = 0x7fffffff73bff178), line 3059 in "syncrepl.c"
  [10] do_syncrep2(op = 0x7fffffff73bff400, si = 0x100718e60), line 1177 in 
  [11] do_syncrepl(ctx = 0x7fffffff73bffc20, arg = 0x1007190d0), line 1358 in 
  [12] connection_read_thread(ctx = 0x7fffffff73bffc20, argv = 0x1c), line 1261 in 
  [13] ldap_int_thread_pool_wrapper(xpool = 0x100536b70), line 685 in "tpool.c"

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