On Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at 11:55 AM, Howard Chu <h...@symas.com> wrote:
> I've recently added support for page-level encryption to LMDB 1.x using 
> user-supplied callbacks:
> /** @brief A callback function used to encrypt/decrypt pages in the env.
>  *
>  * Encrypt or decrypt the data in src and store the result in dst using the
>  * provided key. The result must be the same number of bytes as the input.
>  * The input size will always be a multiple of the page size.
>  * @param[in] src The input data to be transformed.
>  * @param[out] dst Storage for the result.
>  * @param[in] key An array of two values: key[0] is the encryption key,
>  * and key[1] is the initialization vector.
>  * @param[in] encdec 1 to encrypt, 0 to decrypt.
>  */
> typedef void (MDB_enc_func)(const MDB_val *src, MDB_val *dst, const MDB_val 
> *key, int encdec);
>     /** @brief Set encryption on an environment.
>      *
>      * This must be called before #mdb_env_open().
>      * It implicitly sets #MDB_REMAP_CHUNKS on the env.
>      * @param[in] env An environment handle returned by #mdb_env_create().
>      * @param[in] func An #MDB_enc_func function.
>      * @param[in] key An array of two values: key[0] is the encryption key,
>      * and key[1] is the initialization vector.
>      * @return A non-zero error value on failure and 0 on success.
>      */
> int mdb_env_set_encrypt(MDB_env *env, MDB_enc_func *func, const MDB_val *key);
> I intend to extend this a bit further to support authenticated encryption 
> instead, so that each page also yields a signature that can be used to detect 
> tampering or corruption.
> One question is whether we should actually make this pluggable like this, or 
> we should just hardcode support for a specific algorithm and leave it at 
> that. For comparison, BerkeleyDB supported AES128 with HMAC-SHA1 for a 20 
> byte per page signature. In some ways it simplifies use if the DB just takes 
> care of everything and there's only one hardcoded mechanism. Also, 
> user-supplied callback relies on the app developer to know what they're doing 
> with the crypto code.
> From the LMDB maintenance perspective, it's simpler for us not to have 
> hardcoded dependencies on crypto libraries. Also, leaving it pluggable keeps 
> the door open for 3rd party hardware-accelerated crypto engines. One 
> complication is that if the algorithm is actually user-selectable, we need to 
> dynamically adjust DB page layouts to accommodate different nonce/IV and 
> signature sizes. (Currently MDB_page metadata is a statically defined 
> structure. A dynamic size element here will make processing slower.)
> Thoughts? Hardcode 1 algorithm, or leave it pluggable?

Make the core library pluggable and ship a side example implementation
library like: libmdb-enc-(aes128|whatever)

> --
>   -- Howard Chu
>   CTO, Symas Corp.           http://www.symas.com
>   Director, Highland Sun     http://highlandsun.com/hyc/
>   Chief Architect, OpenLDAP  http://www.openldap.org/project/

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