On 06/14/2018 10:44 PM, Howard Chu wrote:
> Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:
>> idle-timeout -> The man page says takes an integer, but is defined as
>> a string.  However, I think the man page for this parameter is
>> incorrect, and in fact it takes a possible string as defined in the
>> back-meta/async manual pages for this same parameter. (I.e, it can
>> have a format of something like 1d15h5s)
> I don't see this. The man page says "<time>". It looks correct to me.

Wouldn't it be better to consequently convert time strings such as
1d15h5s to integer seconds during migration of static config to dynamic
config? IMO for LDAP-on-the-wire those values should always be integer
representing seconds (or milli-seconds if needed).

I mean back-config content is meant to be machine-processable and
cleaner syntax would reduce unneeded complexity.

Ciao, Michael.

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