On 7/23/19 3:37 PM, Ondřej Kuzník wrote:
I've prepared a plan what the project wants to achieve as part of the
2.5 stream apart from core OpenLDAP development that I intend to send to
-technical for wider discussion and as a call for participation.

It has been suggested to me that people might want to comment/propose
changes to it so attaching a draft here. Please let me know what you
think or if you agree in broad terms it is fit to be circulated more

Thanks for driving this. Text looks good to me.

Eventually there will be lengthy discussions about various tools (now reaching out for the popcorn bag). So you might want to tighten it some more by suggesting all the gitlab stuff (Wiki, CI pipelines) as possible tools. E.g. AFAIK the Wiki in gitlab is just a git repo of markdown files.

Regarding the test suite:
Would it be feasible to use Python for the job? If yes, you can directly use the unittest module from its standard lib which gives you much better control, error handling and reporting.

And I already enjoy using gitlab's CI runner stuff for this (but using static slapd.conf generated):

Ciao, Michael.

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