Hugh McMaster wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Nov 2019 at 21:59, Howard Chu wrote:
>> Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:
>>> Howard, what's your opinion/thought on adding this for master/RE25?  Ryan 
>>> tested it and it worked for him.
>> My personal opinion is that pkg-config is garbage and in all my experience 
>> it has
>> only ever prevented me from building whatever I was working on at the time.
> I get the feeling there's an interesting backstory here. I'm actually
> quite surprised you've had a bad experience with pkg-config.
> It's really quite useful and far easier than calling foo-config legacy 
> scripts.
> With regards to merging #8996, you didn't really answer Quanah's
> question. I'll also point out that you're not being forced to use
> openldap's pkg-config files.
> Many people prefer pkg-config because of its simplicity in handling
> library dependencies and header inclusions. I'm simply trying to
> extend this simplicity to openldap.

AFAICS it is just another moving part that breaks. It doesn't provide any 
To use it you have to know whether to look in the /usr configs or /usr/local 
(or other places),
If I know to look in /usr/local to find the package config I want, then I 
already know that the
header and lib paths I need are in /usr/local and it hasn't helped at all.

More importantly, relying on it actively prevents you from working with 
packages in their
own build directories. As someone who frequently has to build multiple versions 
of various
dependencies to check that they all work with our OpenLDAP builds, I can't be 
bothered to
re-install every different version I'm working with, particularly when I could 
just add a few items to LDFLAGS, LIBPATH, or whatnot. Every time I run across a 
script that requires using pkg-config to find a package I have to go through 
and comment
it out just so my env var settings will take effect.

So from an active developer's perspective, it adds steps but doesn't add useful 

  -- Howard Chu
  CTO, Symas Corp. 
  Director, Highland Sun
  Chief Architect, OpenLDAP

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