Full_Name: Paolo
Version: 2.4.17
OS: debian
URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/
Submission from: (NULL) (

I installed ldap (slapd 2.4.17) on a debian machine (ARM processor). The LDAP
server allows you to centralize authentication of users and unix samba (samba is
set with the PDC for windows machines, all with windows 7 OS). The communication
is protected by TLS / SSL. Don’t use SALS mechanism and, at the moment, I don’t
want to use it. Everything works perfectly but I don’t understand why in the log
file (syslog) I find the following error message:

Oct 18 14:52:10 qnapserver slapd[11916]: daemon: read active on 26
Oct 18 14:52:10 qnapserver slapd[11916]: connection_get(26)
Oct 18 14:52:10 qnapserver slapd[11916]: ==> sasl_bind: dn="" mech=DIGEST-MD5
Oct 18 14:52:10 qnapserver slapd[11916]: daemon: epoll: listen=8
active_threads=0 tvp=zero
Oct 18 14:52:10 qnapserver slapd[11916]: daemon: epoll: listen=9
active_threads=0 tvp=zero
Oct 18 14:52:10 qnapserver slapd[11916]: daemon: epoll: listen=10
active_threads=0 tvp=zero
Oct 18 14:52:10 qnapserver slapd[11916]: daemon: epoll: listen=11
active_threads=0 tvp=zero
Oct 18 14:52:10 qnapserver slapd[11916]: daemon: epoll: listen=12
active_threads=0 tvp=zero
Oct 18 14:52:10 qnapserver slapd[11916]: daemon: activity on 1 descriptor
Oct 18 14:52:10 qnapserver slapd[11916]: daemon: activity on:
Oct 18 14:52:10 qnapserver slapd[11916]: 
Oct 18 14:52:10 qnapserver slapd[11916]: daemon: epoll: listen=8
active_threads=0 tvp=zero
Oct 18 14:52:10 qnapserver slapd[11916]: daemon: epoll: listen=9
active_threads=0 tvp=zero
Oct 18 14:52:10 qnapserver slapd[11916]: daemon: epoll: listen=10
active_threads=0 tvp=zero
Oct 18 14:52:10 qnapserver slapd[11916]: daemon: epoll: listen=11
active_threads=0 tvp=zero
Oct 18 14:52:10 qnapserver slapd[11916]: daemon: epoll: listen=12
active_threads=0 tvp=zero
Oct 18 14:52:10 qnapserver slapd[11916]: daemon: activity on 1 descriptor
Oct 18 14:52:10 qnapserver slapd[11916]: daemon: activity on:
Oct 18 14:52:10 qnapserver slapd[11916]:  26r
Oct 18 14:52:10 qnapserver slapd[11916]: 
Oct 18 14:52:10 qnapserver slapd[11916]: daemon: read active on 26
Oct 18 14:52:10 qnapserver slapd[11916]: connection_get(26)
Oct 18 14:52:10 qnapserver slapd[11916]: ==> sasl_bind: dn="" mech=<continuing>
Oct 18 14:52:10 qnapserver slapd[11916]: SASL [conn=542] Failure: realm changed:
authentication aborted
Oct 18 14:52:10 qnapserver slapd[11916]: send_ldap_result: err=49 matched=""
text="SASL(-13): authentication failure: realm changed: authentication aborted"
Oct 18 14:52:10 qnapserver slapd[11916]: daemon: epoll: listen=8
active_threads=0 tvp=zero
Oct 18 14:52:10 qnapserver slapd[11916]: daemon: epoll: listen=9
active_threads=0 tvp=zero
Oct 18 14:52:10 qnapserver slapd[11916]: daemon: epoll: listen=10
active_threads=0 tvp=zero
Oct 18 14:52:10 qnapserver slapd[11916]: daemon: epoll: listen=11
active_threads=0 tvp=zero
Oct 18 14:52:10 qnapserver slapd[11916]: daemon: epoll: listen=12
active_threads=0 tvp=zero
Oct 18 14:52:10 qnapserver slapd[11916]: daemon: activity on 2 descriptors
Oct 18 14:52:10 qnapserver slapd[11916]: daemon: activity on:
Oct 18 14:52:10 qnapserver slapd[11916]:  26r

This massage is displayed only after logged in from a Windows 7 client machine
and is repeated approximately every 15 minutes.

Please Help me, how can I fix this? 

Thanks Paolo

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