On Mon, 2017-11-20 at 12:28 +0100, William Brown wrote:
> What do you mean by this? As in "make it so anyone can login to the
> wiki"? Just don't add access controls IE group membership or filter
> tests in the media wiki ldap config. Then "anyone with a valid ldap
> account" can login, with NO aci changes needed for openldap,
> Hope that helps, if I recall, media wiki has great ldap connection
> docs,

I mean a standard email account, like the kind in any Internet forum,
but the user can also manipulate the an LDAP tree using the same

I did a lot of research over the weekend including looking at the
slides of the LDAP conferences over the last couple years for clues.

The only already done thing that may do what I want seems to be the
proprietary version of LAM https://www.ldap-account-manager.org/lamcms/

I think I may be better off writing a plugin to web2ldap and or
mediawiki so I can be sure it does what I want because I can test and
fix it without asking for permission.

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