I am doing some basic testing with ldap with this command. 

ldclt \
    -a 400 \
    -H ldap://x.x.x.x:xxxx \
    -e bindeach,bindonly,close \
    -D "uid=test,dc=me,dc=local" \
    -w yyyyyy \
    -n 1

I was testing this on two container test environments. Both are running with 
~500MB, 1 core.

1. alpine - slapd 2.6.3, mdb still with default slapd.conf
ldclt[5594]: Average rate: 12627.00/thr  (1262.70/sec), total:  12627
ldclt[5594]: Average rate:    0.00/thr  (   0.00/sec), total:      0
ldclt[5594]: All threads are dead - exit.

2. alpine - slapd 2.6.6, mdb configured with acl's, ssl, modules etc.
ldclt[8900]: Average rate: 1495.00/thr  ( 149.50/sec), total:   1495
ldclt[8900]: Average rate: 1498.00/thr  ( 149.80/sec), total:   1498
ldclt[8900]: Average rate: 1490.00/thr  ( 149.00/sec), total:   1490

What should I be expecting from this? It looks like maybe slapd of 1. is not 
100% with this 'threads are dead' messages. While slapd of 2. with 150 req/sec 
is that to be expected normal?

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