
On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 07:24:31PM +0400, Alexander Osipenko wrote:
> I've added EMU_CMD_SELECT_IF command to the jlink_init().
> At least initial setup steps are passed now, my cores is detected normally.

Cool, congratulations!

> I have problem connecting to gerrit from behind firewall;
> using http[s]://openocd.zylin.com/p/openocd.git
> asks username/password, and not accepting ssh keys and "http password"
> from the zylin's control panel.

I tried pushing over http too and it sort of works but chances of
failure pushing due to a timeout are too high for this method to be
practically usable. I think that needs more testing/investigation.

> If sometimes I will happen to connect,
> - should such chained patches be uploaded as separate push operations,
>   or as single push of a branch containing all of them ?
> - may I use a local branch, or must go to 'origin/master' before
> push?

The logic is this: when you push any branch to Gerrit, then all the
patches in this branch after the last one that's already in the main
repository are creating a separate entry in the patches list. And the
last one is set to "depend" on the previous one and the previous
"depends" on the previous and so on.

It doesn't matter how the branch that you're pushing is called in your
local repository.

And when you want to update a patch that's already pushed to Gerrit,
you shouldn't create a new commit, rather amend an existing one. If
that's your last local commit, then just make your changes and do "git
commit --amend" and _keep_ the Change-Id line in your commit
message. If you're working on a patch series, then i suggest to use
"git rebase -i" (and of course keep the Change-Id lines when
editing). Then simply push again, and Gerrit will automatically update
the existing patch entry (or entries).

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