1. Background info 
Before jumping into the details, I'll first provide some background info. 
I'm using the xPack from @Liviu Ionescu to build OpenOCD for both Windows 
and Linux. You can find more info on his website: 
[ https://xpack.github.io/openocd/ | https://xpack.github.io/openocd/ ] 

I follow the instructions with a slight modification. After cloning the 
openocd-xpack.git, I open the file "scripts/defs-source.sh" and uncomment 
the last three lines. This action ensures that the latest OpenOCD source 
code on the master-branch gets built. 

2. Sidenote 
For a step-by-step guide on how to build OpenOCD, please consult my web- 
[ https://embeetle.com/#embedded-dev/software/dev-tools/flash/openocd_build | 
https://embeetle.com/#embedded-dev/software/dev-tools/flash/openocd_build ] 
I've noted down every step of the build process - including the way I 
install the Ubuntu VM. It's very verbose, leaving no room for misinter- 
pretations :-) 

3. The error message 
The error message I get is printed below. I think it's an issue with the 
OpenOCD git server: 

Cloning "openocd.git" from "git://git.code.sf.net/p/openocd/code" ... 
Cloning into 'openocd.git' ... 
remote: Enumerating objects: 63643, done. 
remote: Counting objects: 100% (63643/63643), done. 
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (27437/27437), done. 
remote: Total 63643 (delta 52300), reused 43882 (delta 36038) 
Receiving objects: 100% (63643/63643), 14.39 MiB | 5.97 MiB/s, done. 
Resolving deltas: 100% (52300/52300), done. 
Submodule 'jimtcl' ( https://repo.or.cz/jimtcl.git ) registered for path 
Submodule 'src/jtag/drivers/libjaylink' ( https://repo.or.cz/libjaylink.git ) 
registered for path 'src/jtag/drivers/libjaylink' 
Submodule 'tools/git2cl' ( https://repo.or.cz/git2cl.git ) registered for path 
Cloning into '/Host/home/kristof/Work/openocd-0.10.0-14/openocd.git/jimtcl' ... 
fatal: unable to access 'https://repo.or.cz/jimtcl.git/' : Failed to connect to 
repo.or.cz port 443: Connection timed out 
fatal: clone of 'https://repo.or.cz/jimtcl.git' into submodule path 
'/Host/home/kristof/Work/openocd-0.10.0-14/openocd.git/jimtcl' failed 
Failed to clone 'jimtcl' . Retry scheduled 
Cloning into 
fatal: unable to access 'https://repo.or.cz/libjaylink.git/' : Failed to 
connect to repo.or.cz port 443: Connection timed out 
fatal: clone of 'https://repo.or.cz/libjaylink.git' into submodule path 
Failed to clone 'src/jtag/drivers/libjaylink' . Retry scheduled 
Cloning into 
'/Host/home/kristof/Work/openocd-0.10.0-14/openocd.git/tools/git2cl' ... 
fatal: unable to access 'https://repo.or.cz/git2cl.git/' : Failed to connect to 
repo.or.cz port 443: Connection timed out 
fatal: clone of 'https://repo.or.cz/git2cl.git' into submodule path 
'/Host/home/kristof/Work/openocd-0.10.0-14/openocd.git/tools/git2cl' failed 
Failed to clone 'tools/git2cl' . Retry scheduled 
Cloning into '/Host/home/kristof/Work/openocd-0.10.0-14/openocd.git/jimtcl' ... 
fatal: unable to access 'https://repo.or.cz/jimtcl.git/' : Failed to connect to 
repo.or.cz port 443: Connection timed out 
fatal: clone of 'https://repo.or.cz/jimtcl.git' into submodule path 
'/Host/home/kristof/Work/openocd-0.10.0-14/openocd.git/jimtcl' failed 
Failed to clone 'jimtcl' a second time, aborting 

I've tried to build OpenOCD twice today, and got the same error each time. 
Is this a temporary hiccup, or some URL that is pointing to something that 

Thank you very much :-) 
Kind greetings, 
Kristof Mulier 

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