Hi @Tommy, 

I'm sorry for the confusion. Each logo has a number. 
There are currently 9 logos. So they are numbered 
logo_1 , logo_2 , logo_3 , ..., logo_9 . 

You should order the logos from "most liked" to 
"least liked" (disliked). For example, you really 
like logo_2 , then logo_4 , then logo_3 , etc: 

mylist = [ 2, 4, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 7, 1 ] 

or more explicitely: 

mylist = [ 
logo_2 , 
logo_4 , 
logo_3 , 
logo_5 , 
logo_6 , 
logo_8 , 
logo_9 , 
logo_7 , 

Next, I will assign "points" to each of them: 

logo _ 2 : +4 
logo _ 4 : +3 
logo _ 3 : +2 
logo _ 5 : +1 
logo _ 6 : +0 
logo _ 8 : -1 
logo _ 9 : -2 
logo _ 7 : -3 
logo _ 1 : -4 

The logo you like most gets +4. The logo you really 
dislike most gets -4. 

Kind regards, 

Van: "Tommy Murphy" <tommy_mur...@hotmail.com> 
Aan: "kristof mulier" <kristof.mul...@telenet.be>, "openocd-devel" 
Verzonden: Vrijdag 9 oktober 2020 12:34:25 
Onderwerp: Re: Logo voting: new page 

The voting is not clear to me - what do 2nd and 3rd preferences get? 

1st preference = +4 
2nd preference = ? 
3rd preference = ? 
4th preference = -4 

If 2nd gets +2 and 3rd gets -2 then it is not linear? 

From: kristof.mul...@telenet.be <kristof.mul...@telenet.be> 
Sent: Friday 9 October 2020 10:43 
To: openocd-devel <openocd-devel@lists.sourceforge.net> 
Subject: [OpenOCD-devel] Logo voting: new page 
Dear developers and contributors, 
Thank you for all the e-mails with your votes. Some of you 
had concerns about the voting mechanism: one could only 
vote for a favorite, but there was no way to express your 
dislike for one or more logos. 

That's why I propose a new system. Each of you can send me 
a list of logo-numbers. The first logo in your list gets 
+4 points. The last one gets -4 points. Linear and simple. 

I abandoned the "logo-matrix", because everyone(*) selected 
logos from the first row. There was no point in keeping the 
We're back to a linear selection (just one "row", no more 

You can find the new logo voting page here: 

(*) I received only one vote for a logo in row B, so I added 
that logo to the new page. 

You will notice I've drawn two new logos (nr. 8 and 9). This 
was a request from Jens Bauer. 

1. Please don't forget to send me your "list" of logos, ordered 
from most favorite (+4) to least (-4). 

2. Please feel free to suggest modifications to one or more logos, 
or a suggestion for drawing a new one. 

3. My goal is that everyone feels comfortable with the final logo 
we choose. I know that this project is like a "baby" to many of 
you. It's normal to get emotionally attached to something you've 
invested so much time in. That's why it's important we find a 
logo everyone likes :-) 

Kind regards, 
Kristof Mulier 

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