Hi Marc,
Thank you for your reply.

I can reassure you - Johan's websites are NOT Wordpress-based.

Our first Embeetle website was made in Wordpress, but there
were too many problems. So we decided to throw Wordpress in
the bin and start from scratch. Johan designed a clean website
structure that all of us (Embeetle developers) can easily add
content to.

Personally, I'm not versed in web development - so I was happy
my Embeetle colleague Johan took this task on his shoulders.
Once he finished the backend, I just needed HTML and some basic
CSS to add new pages. Each new page appears automatically in the
menu on the left (Johan's backend takes care of that).

I just talked to Johan, and we have the following questions:

- Do you (OpenOCD developers) have basic HTML knowledge
    to add content that way? Or would you prefer some kind
    of markup system?

- If you're worried it would be hard to add content to the
    website, Johan can make an admin page where you can add
    a new page directly in the browser. The admin page would
    provide a basic editor in which you can enter the HTML
    for the new page (or edit HTML of an existing page).

- Johan's website structure is NOT a blog. A blog is
    typically less organized than a hierarchical menu. Do
    you (OpenOCD developers) prefer a blog or a website?
    If you prefer a website, we can offer one in the same
    style and structure as ours (https://embeetle.com).

This looks interesting indeed. However, neither me, nor my
colleague Johan knows the Nikola framework. It would take us
quite some time to get used to it. We'll look into it and give
some feedback later.

I asked Johan about https, and he replied:

"https is not a problem, thanks to letsencrypt. I can
  set it up (for free) if it is hosted on my server. All
  they would need to do is point a DNS record for their
  domain (or a subdomain like new.openocd.org to experiment)
  to my server at"

Why don't we setup a zoom/skype meeting to talk these things
through? To have a successfull meeting, we should certainly
invite the OpenOCD developers that are involved in the website.
But I have no idea who that is?

Kind regards,
Kristof Mulier

----- Oorspronkelijk bericht -----
Van: "dev" <d...@zapb.de>
Aan: "kristof mulier" <kristof.mul...@telenet.be>, "openocd-devel" 
Verzonden: Vrijdag 23 oktober 2020 20:01:13
Onderwerp: Re: [OpenOCD-devel] Offer for website

Hi Kristof,

I would love to see a new website on openocd.org. The current one looks
quite ugly and old.

However, personally I would prefer to have a blog-like website as the
current one. It's easier to publish new content. To reduce maintenance
(security updates etc.) I would rather use a static website like Nikola
[1] than WordPress.  

We should also update the website to httpS...

Any opinions on that?

Best regards,

[1] https://getnikola.com/

On Fri, 2020-10-23 at 13:07 +0200, kristof.mul...@telenet.be wrote:
> Dear OpenOCD developers,
> We use OpenOCD in the Embeetle IDE. We are grateful for this free
> software, and also for the countless times you have helped us to
> fix certain problems. Although we didn’t contribute to the source
> code itself (yet), we feel part of the OpenOCD community.
> We’d like to do something back, something bigger than just drawing
> a logo. We had a great idea that we’d like to share with you.
> ========
> My colleague Johan designed a simple, elegant javascript-css skeleton
> that we based our website on:
> https://embeetle.com
> On the same skeleton, we also built this website:
> https://qscintilla.com
> And I use it for my personal consultancy-website:
> https://chipdesk.com
> What do you think about giving OpenOCD a new look? Johan would
> like to send you the javascript-css code and he is happy to help
> with the practical implementations.
> Maybe the new OpenOCD version being released soon (see mail from
> @Paul Fertsen) is the perfect moment for this ^_^. Once implemented,
> users can download the new version on the download page of the new
> OpenOCD website.
> =============
> We have some nice content on our Embeetle website about OpenOCD:
> https://embeetle.com/#embedded-dev/software/dev-tools/flash/basics
> And here [not yet ready]:
> https://embeetle.com/#embeetle-ide/troubleshoot/flash
> And this [build instructions]:
> https://embeetle.com/#embedded-dev/software/dev-tools/flash/openocd_build
> We plan to write more pages in the future. It would be nice to
> add similar content to the OpenOCD website. Of course - we’d only
> add content to a test-version of the website, so you (the OpenOCD
> developers) can first check it before pushing anything to the public
> website.
> ===================
> If you like this idea, would you like to have a meeting to discuss
> it further? We could hold a zoom meeting / skype / ...
> Kind regards,
> Kristof Mulier
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