Duane Ellis a écrit :
> I doubt the V850 would ever be supported by openocd. Reason: Support
> for it in GCC is long dead (dormant?), along with support for it in
> GDB, those two things have to come first.
> -Duane.
The V850E is the latest and the latest GCC is working relatively well
from my tests. I will test it with the minicube in a few weeks and make
some comparisions
with NEC and IAR. I created the binaries for V850E so I could learn more
about that device that I am seriously looking into using for a new design.
I I use it I will likely buy the NEC or IAR Compiler.

Support for it would require to use the minicube if I am not mistaken as
from my talks with NEC the debug part is there.
It would require some reverse engineering because I doubt very much that
NEC would release information on it.
This is a lot of work. I wasn't asking if there was support planned, I
was just curious about their N-WIRE interface and as to what is in the


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