On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 5:26 PM, Luca Ottaviano<lottavi...@develer.com> wrote:
> I can summarize the problems I've had so far with Windows builds of Openocd:
> 1 - No official exe on the website: building with Cygwin or MinGW under
> Windows it's *really* a pain. I really appreciate Freddie's work here.

I think this is a good idea. Typically a Windows binary is provided
for open source projects if Windows is a supported platform.

> This could be easily fixed by providing a Windows build when doing
> official releases or at least including a Visual Studio project which
> will build Openocd from sources.

Unfortunately Microsoft's Compiler is not supported right now. So it
is not possible to provide a Visual Studio project.

So far maybe a build-kit (cygwin+libusb-win32+ libftdi ) is still one
of the easier solution. It was discussed before V0.2 release.

> 2 - No documentation whatsoever to start using Openocd: when using a
> jtag interface you need to learn about libusb-win32 drivers, the
> difference between libusb versions (libusb0.1, libusb1.0, libusb-filters
> and so on), Vista issues (32-bit differs from 64-bit), jtag composite
> devices and how they interact with libusb.
> I understand that all these problems are not Openocd-specific, but
> indeed they impact Openocd usage. I've seen that this community is by
> far the largest and most active between the other projects, so I think
> we are able to at least some basic support.

I think libusb has rather active community. libusb-win32 mailing list
is rather inactive and the project is kind of dormant. libftdi is
probably in between and the support of Windows is probably
lag behind Linux.

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