Hello list.

Maybe this is my fault that I have not paid enogh attention to some of 
the style discussions.

But I have stopped to regularily print out code before working on it, 
and my screen can easily support 1000-1200 pixel wide edit windows.
That is 120-140 characters before line wrapping.

So why this totally idiotic requirement on 72-80 columns ????
My punched card writer is brokens so it does not really care any longer.

And IMHO this breaking up of single commands that fit into 120-140  into 
a lot of shorter lines does neither  improve  readibility or stability 
or code quality.
And all those formatting rewrites does make code comprisons very difficult.

I would like to se a situation where code quality is not equivalent to 
whitespace handling and code is routinely truncated to 80 char columns ( 
we did that in the 80/90ties because equipment did not support any 
longer lines) , but actual analysis of code structure and performance.

That might motivate me to once more take a more active part in OpenOCD 

Happy hacking.

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