Harald Welte wrote:
> Hi Magnus,
> On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 05:36:11PM +0200, Magnus Lundin wrote:
>>>     dap_ap_select(swjdp, 1);
>>> before the two lines
>>>         dap_ap_read_reg_u32(swjdp, 0xFC, &idreg);
>>>         dap_ap_read_reg_u32(swjdp, 0xF8, &romaddr);
>>> in ahbap_debugport_init()
Can you place the  call to   dap_ap_select(swjdp, 1) in 
cortex_a8_examine()  instead, just after the call to   
ahbap_debugport_init() ?

> I see.  It's somewhat strange if ARM has all those detailed and fairly
> extensive specifications (and the romtable to discover the debugging
> capabilities), but then no standard way how DBGEN can be set?  That's weird.
It is supposed to be an input to the Cortex_A8 core, so the chip 
manufacturer can control debug access without modifying the A8 core.

So have you looked at the OMAP init script, it is something like this:

     dap apsel 1
     mww 0x54011FB0 0xC5ACCE55 4
     # Clear Sticky Power Down status Bit to enable access to the 
registers in the Core Power Domain
     mdw 0x54011314
     # set DBGEN signal
     mww 0x5401d030 0x00002000
     # enable execute instruction and halting debug mode
     mww 0x54011088 0x00006000 
     # DAP AP 0 is connected to the L3 interconnect and memory bus
     dap apsel 0

For you I think this might become:

     dap apsel 1
     # Unlock the Lock Access to enable writes to debug registers
    mww 0x80005FB0 0xC5ACCE55
     # Clear Sticky Power Down status Bit to enable access to the 
registers in the Core Power Domain
     # Se note on PRSR, C_A8 TRM 12.4.21
     mdw 0x80005314
     # enable execute instruction and halting debug mode
     mww 0x80005088 0x00006000 
     # DAP AP 0 is connected to the L3 interconnect and memory bus
     dap apsel 0

Best regards,

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