Le 07/02/2010 12:22, Øyvind Harboe a écrit :
> I'll be present at IS2T's booth (see below) at Embedded World 2010,
> if anyone wants to talk about OpenOCD, or Zylin products/services
> for that matter.
> Email/phone me if you want to set up a meeting.
> I'll write a small report to the mailing list with anything that I
> think might be of interest.
Your plugin no longer installs. It worked ok a couple of weeks ago.

I was doing some work on Fedora 12 so I attempted to install your plugin 
and it failed.
I tried on version 3.6 Eclipse which is what I installed it on before on 
Mandriva 2010.0

The eclipse that come with Fedora 12 takes 2, 3 to 4 minutes to start 
and gives tons of errors so I flushed it to use one that works.
I don't know if the problem is with Open Java or the crappy eclipse that 
Fedora came up with.
The eclipse 3.6 works very well with Sun Java. It has issues with Open Java.


Tired of Microsoft's rebootive multitasking?
then it's time to upgrade to Linux.

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