On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 2:36 AM, Tomek CEDRO <tomek.ce...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Uhm, from what I understand LAYOUT is only used for initialization of
> specific device based on FT*232 device, maybe other minor stuff, all
> work is done in fact by queue_flush() and it is common for all devices
> as it simply translates queued JTAG commands into MPSSE that produces
> actions on the physical connection between interface and target TAP.

Yes they are separate concepts, that's why there's a point in separating

> Having everything in one file is okay for me as there is only one
> place to look for stuff. Making more files won't increase readability
> imo its just moving things from one place to another, like women
> cleanup, then you never know where to look for your stuff ;-P

More files won't increase readability, true. Fewer lines of unrelated code

ft2232.c contains 4434 lines.
2211 of these are layout related, and spread all over the file.
788 of these are for one specific layout, namely signalyzer_h.

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