Andreas Fritiofson wrote:
> But what is the mwb 0x400FC040 0x01 doing?

Bit 0  MAP  Reset value 0
0 Boot mode. A portion of the Boot ROM is mapped to address 0.
1 User mode. The on-chip Flash memory is mapped to address 0.

6. Debug memory re-mapping
Following chip reset, a portion of the Boot ROM is mapped to address
0 so that it will be automatically executed. The Boot ROM switches
the map to point to Flash memory prior to user code being executed.
In this way a user normally does not need to know that this
re-mapping occurs.

However, when a debugger halts CPU execution immediately following
reset, the Boot ROM is still mapped to address 0 and can cause
confusion. Ideally, the debugger should correct the mapping
automatically in this case, so that a user does not need to deal with

So yes indeed this should be taken care of in openocd. And it should
be the default.

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